To save time and possible bolt issues the fenders, front panel, support frame and chains were delivered face down in one. This saves a lot of man hours as well as time savings. We had to come up with the issue of rotating the Fender from face down to upright. This was done on a barge using a hinge frame. ...
On the weekend Austral floated in the 6N prop truss. This was a tricky install as the maintenance bay protruding out the rear disallowed the prop truss to be craned in via sling & counterweight design used on all other prop trusses. In this instance ROAM came up with a system with Austral to attach pile offcuts to the truss ...
After assisting with tender with Austral Construction, Roam Marine have designed and detailed all the temporary works for the above project during 2013. Thus far all works have been a success and testimonials are as below: "Thanks for the help on the tender with Construction methods, Temporary works and alternative designs - couldn't have done it without you" - Troy Richardson, ...